Thursday, April 30, 2009


Yesterday I started a competition with a friend at work. The aim is to loose 5kg in four weeks. She's already skinny, I think, so I don't know how she's gonna do it but I accepted her challenge. 
She doesn't really believe I can do it on my diet I guess.
Unfourtunately I had just bought some cream and yoghurt that I gotta eat before I can start my hardcore protein and fat diet. But I think I can still loose the weight in three and a half week. ;)
Anyway it's good motivation.
I haven't really thought I needed to loose that much wieght that fast but now it's a challenge and I can't resist! lol
I really don't have a problem eating bacon and eggs for four weeks anyway. :D

Today when I woke up I feel like I have a cold coming on. :( 
Maybe it's the swine flu and I'm going to die! D:
Probably not though. :P
Staying home from work might be good but I don't think I can do that.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well maybe not real sakura, I dunno. 
But it's so beautiful!
This tree is right outside my house next to my balcony. :D

Summer is here.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Majsan är galen. XD

Good day!

Today I made a new friend. :D
Totemo tanoshikatta yo!  
Arigatou Sakurako. ^^

We went shopping and I bought alot of clothes. Most of is was on sale. It was so cheap it was practically free! lol 
I bought a skirt a dress and a top at H&M.
At New Yorker I bought a scarf and a sweater.
The only expensive thing I bought was a top at MQ. But I couldn't resist it. It's super cool and so me. :D It's black and white leopard print. ;) 

Now I won't buy anymore clothes until next months salary. (I hope) lol

My uncle is gonna get me some super expensive turkish tea from his friend. 
It's like 900kr/hg! That's like 100$ for 100 grams! :O
It seems kinda complicated to brew it but I just have to try it.
I wonder what it tastes like to be so insanely expensive. 

Also my earings are selling really well. I'm so happy that japanese people seem to really like them. :D Maybe I can sell them in Japan. 

Ahhh, today I have eaten alot of sugar. Way too much. I actually have a headache now.
Sugar pain. But I had to eat some chocolate. And the food I ate downtown probably wasn't so good either. But it's only for today.
Tomorrow I'll go back to eating my burgers. lol

Mata ne!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Atleast I found 10kr on my way to work.
But that was the highlight of the whole day.

I think I sleep too much.

Oh, but this week I can blame EVERYTHING on PMS. ;P
Well, my mood atleast.
I have a hard time at work during my "special week". :P
I just can't stand other peoples stupidity the way I can usually just shrug it off and tell myself it has nothing to do with me. But at work it does. Use your brains people. Please!

So now I'm probably gonna go and be annoyed and irritated for a few days. Yay.
Hormones, gotta love them. >.<

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Work, work, work.

Going to work today after having four days off kinda sucked.
Not that the actual work I did there sucked. I actually had a pretty good time and even laughed so much I got a headache. I might get sore abs tomorrow too. lol
It's just waking up in the morning and knowing I had to go to work that sucked.
I feel like I need four more days.

I wish I didn't need a job. I wish I was rich.
I should try to find some rich guy to marry. lol
I'd be a great housewife.
Yeah, I want a hot, rich, japanese (cuz japanese guys are the hottest) husband.
I'd even do naked apron for him. lol ;P
But then again, I never really wanna get married.

Well I have money in the bank. But I'm really gonna need it if I'm going to Japan in August.
Maybe I should look for a rich husband while I'm there. ;) lol
And then I wouldn't come home.

Why do I always fight going to bed after I get home from work? Sometimes I feel sorry for my brain. It probably needs rest because of all the stimulation it gets and all the knowledge a pack into it every day. Yeah, I love to learn about interesting things.
Like yesterday I watched a tv program about if birds are decendants of dinosaurs. It was very interesting. I always though the probably are and turns out they are. So that's cool.
We're still living in the age of dinosaurs. Because there are more species of birds in the world than mammals. I'm gonna start thinking "Hey, a dinosaur!" whenever I see a bird now! Ok, maybe not. ;P

Also I decided to stop believing anything the media says. It's all just lies and crap.

Tomorrow I have a facial booked so I can't sleep too long. Damn.

Monday, April 13, 2009

You learn something new every day.

I just watched this movie about global warming.
Well, actually, I watched two movies but that was the best one.

If you care about the planet you should watch it.
It might surprise you to know there's no problem.

I've been thinking this before, "hasn't the temperature always gone up and down? Isn't it natural?", but then you get this message from the media that we're causing the warming with CO2 emissions. So I though it's probably our fault this time then. We're horribly destroying the planet, right?
Global warming has nothing to do with humans. We're not causing it. It's the sun and it's totally natural. And don't worry about the polar bears. They've survived warmer climates through the earths history. ;)

If you think I'm full of crap just watch the movie and then tell me I'm full of it.

The political part of this global scam is just sad. And it's, as usual, only about money.
And how this is preventing third world countries from developing is even more sad.

There are worse things we are doing to the planet.
Like pollution. I think that's a bigger problem. Forget the CO2. It's irrelivant.
Think more about the unnatural chemichals we release every day into nature.

Anyway. Have a look at the movie and get climate smart for real! ;)

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I made chocolate today. Three different kinds of pralines.
Oolong tea, Pistacchio and Earl Gray.
Funny thing is I don't want to eat it at all. I made it with 70% and 90% cocoa chocolate but it's just so sweet. I don't feel like eating anything sweet today.
I prefer my burgers!
I've been eating burgers for like two weeks and I still love them. I ate two today.
I make them from scratch. Two packs of pork mince and one pack of beef mince, spices, cream and eggs. I eat them with cheddar cheese, bacon and burger dressing. NO bread. I wrapped them in a salad leaf. It's the best burgers ever. I feel like I can eat them for the rest of my life.
Best thing about it is I lost 1kg this week on my burger diet. ;) Yay!

Tonight my friend is coming over. We might make more chocolate.

Tomorrow I'm going to eat easter food at my parents again. I'll give them most of the chocolate I think. Maybe I should give some to my neighbours. They bring me bread lately. Although I just give it away cuz I don't eat bread. I'm still too polite to tell them that though. lol
Today I said "Ahh I don't think I can accept anymore now. I don't eat alot of bread." And he said "Oh, it will be a while till next time. I don't want you to get fat." lol XD
Well that was nice of him anyway. So now I gotta have some friends over and make them eat it. ;)

I can just warn them that it's bad for their health. They decide if they care or not.

Do you care?

Velvet Easter

Today I ate lots of meat! :D
Deer! It was so yummy with lots of cream sauce. <3

But I also ate some chocolate cake wich I think gave me a headache.
I just gotta stay away from sugar. It wasn't all that yummy anyway. The meat was way tastier! lol

I studied alot of japanese these past few days.
I do it online on a site called . It's really good.
I've gotten through the first two basic courses and started on the third.
I'm proud that I already knew the meaning of most of the words.
But I have to work on grammar.

Tomorrow I'll try to make chocolate.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You fondle my trigger then you blame my gun.

(title from Fiona Apples song Limp)

So it's easter.
Time to celebrate fertility with eggs and rabbits. I don't "celebrate" Jesus.
I don't really think christianity has anything to do with easter. I'm a viking. I'm a pagan I guess.
We already celebrated this time of year so they just put their easter here instead to take over.
I don't believe in God but I believe in eggs and rabbits! :D

Eggs are great by the way. Full of vitamins and healthy stuff. You can't eat too many eggs!
But buy the organic ones!

I'm going to my family to eat dinner and stuff. That's nice.
I just wanna take it easy this weekend.

Last weekend I tried to drink a bottle of whine. I drank almost the whole bottle and then I had to go and undrink it. ;) Eww.
I'm not gonna try to drink a whole bottle of whine again soon.
With my new diet I guess my body has become so detoxed it just can't handle too much alcohol anymore. I never had this problem before. But I guess it's actually a good thing.
I don't drink very often anyway.
I had a great time anyway last weekend.

Well, one day left at work and then it's finally the weekend!

Today I had a goth theme on my make-up. Just because I felt like it. I'm not goth. But it was fun and everyone loved my lipstick. It's totally blood red and super awesome.

Oh, tomorrow I have to dress up a little as a witch (påskkärring). It's a swedish tradition (for kids) to dress up as witches and go beg for candy. Easter is Swedens halloween. I'm not gonna beg for candy. I don't eat candy. ;P Just gonna do it for fun at work.

I could write forever but I'm tired so I gotta go sleep.
