Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Started on medication for my RA.
I hope it goes well.
I got three differrent pills to take! And a schedule to follow when taking them.

I'm staying at my parents house for a week. Been here 3 days now.
Wasn't planning on staying so long so I have to go home and get some stuff tonight.
I gotta get my ps3! I miss playing NIER.
That game is great. It has awesome music too.

I bought a new iPod nano on apple store. Maybe I won't be home when they deliver it.
Anyway I can go get it from the post office later.

I want to buy a new tv. I want a Samsung 3D tv.
I want a white one but they have no white 3D tvs yet. Maybe I should wait a little longer.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What's life?

I can't decide if I want to play Nier or watch Coffee Prince.
I can't decide if I should fight or give up.

I feel so unlucky in love.

I want a cocktail but that'll probably just make me sleepy.
Tomorrow I'm going out. It's culture night.
Lot's of stuff happening everywhere in town.
My friends band is playing.

I slept alot today. So tired.
Got my period.
I was almost wishing I would be pregnant.
Some way to force change.
To not be ignored anymore.

Everything is just a dream.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Pics of the doll I did make-up for.
She looks pretty hot!
More pics and my friends cool art can be seen here!