Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Natal chart for me!

Planetary Positions at Birth (February 28, 1981 at 13:58 GMT)
Sun: 09º 55' in Pisces
Moon: 26º 59' in Sagittarius
Mercury: 20º 01' in Aquarius
Venus: 00º 26' in Pisces
Mars: 17º 06' in Pisces
Jupiter: 08º 32' in Libra
Saturn: 08º 24' in Libra
Uranus: 00º 05' in Sagittarius
Neptune: 24º 39' in Sagittarius
Pluto: 23º 57' in Libra

conjunctionConjunction: Jupiter Saturn 0º
conjunctionConjunction: Moon Neptune 2º
conjunctionConjunction: Sun Mars 7º
quincunxQuincunx: Sun Jupiter 1º
quincunxQuincunx: Sun Saturn 1º
semisextileSemi-Sextile: Mercury Mars 2º
sextileSextile: Mercury Neptune 4º
sextileSextile: Moon Pluto 3º
sextileSextile: Moon Venus 3º
sextileSextile: Neptune Pluto 0º
squareSquare: Venus Uranus 0º
trineTrine: Mercury Pluto 3º
trineTrine: Venus Pluto 6º

The Sun in Pisces

The Sun and its place on your chart are the most important information astrology can provide you with. Your most powerful energies and force-of-will are denoted by the Sun's position.

Traits: Imaginative, Sensitive, Compassionate, Kind, Selfless, Unworldly, Intuitive and Sympathetic

Dark Traits: Escapist And Idealistic, Secretive And Vague, Weak-Willed And Easily Led

You were born during a period when the Sun was in Pisces. Pisceans are spiritual beings ruled by their feelings. Their journey through life will involve much soul searching and retreat into that hazy world which exists between the real and the unreal. While they are very happy traveling the paths of their inner world, the Piscean compassion and need to help others will ensure they return to the real world regularly.

Pisceans tend to go where life takes them. If they do not like their current direction, they simply retreat into themselves until their direction changes. One of the great dangers for the Pisceans is they sometimes become so involved in their dreams and fantasies they find it difficult to separate fact from fantasy. Another danger is that their docile nature makes it easy for others to take advantage of them.

Pisceans must not allow themselves to become detached from those around them, because they will become depressed, pessimistic and languid. The gentle Pisceans are usually far too shy to tout their talents, which in the arts may be formidable. Their compassion and empathy seems to be without bounds, which makes them a great ally for anyone.

Sun Conjunct Mars
You are ripe with masculine energy! There is nothing meek about either your mental or physical self. You love competition and winning. Often your physical prowess is expressed sexually. You are not one to allow others to set boundaries for you and may react ruthlessly when someone tries to.

Moon In Sagittarius
The placement of the Moon on your chart denotes a region of life you travel through based upon your instincts. The Moon's placement often points to emotional issues we must address.

Because you are so warm and kindhearted you are blessed with a lengthy list of friends. You can be the life of any party! You are the eternal optimist. Where others see obstacles that cannot be overcome, you see challenges to that make life more interesting. You have a playful spirit and are always ready for a new adventure.

Your need to maintain a positive attitude makes you uncomfortable when you or anyone has problems even you cannot see a solution for. The emotional problems of others may make you flee.

For you friends may be as important as love. Indeed, it is likely your mate is your best friend and a mentor. You need a circle of friends who encourage your endeavors and share your positive attitude.

Moon Sextile or Trine Venus
You have a marvelous gift for letting those you love know how deeply you care for them. Your loved ones are very comfortable around you, because they know that while you ay not agree with them, you do accept them for who they are

Moon Conjunct Neptune
You do not do well when regularly confronted with the cruelties and injustices of our world. You are such a gentle soul and so able to empathize with the pains of others that their pain becomes yours if you don't retreat into your kinder, gentler inner world.

Moon Sextile or Trine Pluto
You thrive on intense emotional situations and unrestrained passion. The world's many mysteries enthrall you. Although deeply emotional, you are very good at keeping your feelings in check when events call for a cool head and clear thinking.

Mercury In Aquarius
The position of Mercury on your chart will give you insight into how you communicate with others and learn.

Your keen intellect is never mired down by subjectivity. You are extremely creative and often come up with innovative answers to very difficult problems. You are comfortable with your intellect and trust it to guide your way.

When you know you're right about something you do not hesitate to state for you view or plan of action. On those rare times when you make a mistake you do not make excuses or hesitate to admit you were wrong.

You love intellectual freedom and will defend yours and others right to have unique opinions and solutions. You have found that you can learn from almost anyone, and make those around you comfortable with expressing their thoughts by ensuring they will not be attacked. Your goal is to learn, not judge.

Mercury Sextile or Trine Neptune
You are attracted to avenues of thought which defy the rational. When allowed your imagination takes you to places most people don’t know exist. The arts probably attract you as a form of personal expression.

Mercury Sextile or Trine Pluto
You are enthralled by hidden truths. You love to "uncover" the truth. Your mind is strong enough to allow you to explore the inner-core of consciousness. You probably are attracted to the mysterious and occult.

Venus In Pisces
Where Venus appears on your chart will provide you with information on how you relate to others on an emotional level.

The depth of your feelings is nearly bottomless. You are both full of passion and compassion. Sometimes it isn’t clear which of the two traits is playing the lead role in who you create a relationship with. You are a true giver, and neither ask or expect anything in return from those who receive from you.

Your romanticism is stirred by your rich imagination. You believe there is a perfect mate for you and everyone, and probably have a well structured model of the ideal lover for you. Sensitivity and creativity attract you. It would not be surprising if you were involved with someone in the arts and took on the role as muse.

Venus Opposition or Square Uranus
About the only thing you do quicker than falling in love is falling out of love. Your affairs of the heart tend to begin with massive amounts of unrestrained passion, but this high state of energy ends quickly and boredom sets in. Also your need for personal freedom quickly makes any traditional relationship feel a bit oppressive.

Venus Sextile or Trine Pluto
The intensity of your passion either draws people to you or makes them flee! You are capable of such deep emotion some really do find it disconcerting. You are very charming and those of your sexual preference find you very attractive. You can be a bit of a manipulator.

Mars In Pisces
Mars is the planet of action. Its placement on your chart will indicate your level of aggression and competitiveness.

Your gentle nature makes you willing to surrender before fighting. Your life is not driven by a need to achieve or win or be number one. Ideally you will set off on your own path in search of your true spiritual self. You are an explorer, but the plane on which explore is too lofty for most to attain. Because your aspirations are so out of sync with the masses your life's path may be difficult on the material level. However, inwardly your creative mind and inherent sense of the cosmos will provide with a colorful life few of us will ever have the privilege to experience.

Jupiter In Libra
Jupiter deals with where the Universe is definitely on your side.

Your diplomatic skills and ability to keep things in balance make you a great team-player. People know you will treat them fairly and listen to their side of a story without bias. You have a knack for finding solutions that benefit all sides of a conflict.

Jupiter Conjunct Saturn
You are not likely to reach beyond your grasp. Having a good measure of reality allows you to set your goals to aim for what is possible. You approach projects with a well disciplined, analytical vent and the staying power to see even the longest projects through to a successful end. Its probable you underestimate your abilities at times.

Saturn In Libra
Saturn probes our sense of inadequacy. Where Saturn is on your chart will provide a key to where you feel your weakest.

For you intimacy may be more of a chore than a pleasure.

Uranus In Sagittarius
Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence an entire generation. The placement of Uranus on your chart denotes an area where you can expect the unexpected from the Universe and yourself.

Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence and entire generation.

Your generation is noted for their creative development, optimism and vision. Your focus general focus is on shaping the future. For your generation the here and now is simply a base from which to leap into tomorrow.

Neptune In Sagittarius
Because of distance Neptune is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments of 14 years. What this means is that the effects of Neptune will influence an entire generation in a like manner. Neptune is the Astrological Wildcard. The area in which Neptune appears on your chart is a place where there are no rules. Anything can happen.

You are member of a generation of dreamers and purveyors of the future. You and your contemporaries are very broad-minded and thrive on new forms of spirituality. Traditional religions are far too dogmatic to serve you well, so you are very likely to explore alternative routes to find your spiritual self.

Neptune Trine Pluto
You were born in a period when there was an underlying current of spiritual awareness prevailed. Collectively your generation has a desire to increase the depths of their spiritual self.

Pluto In Libra

Because of the distance Pluto is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments ranging from 12 to 30 years. What this means is that the effects of Pluto influence an entire generations.

The Pluto/Leo collective includes people born within a 12 year time span. Those under the Pluto/Leo influence want to improve how people communicate on both a social and personal level. You feel much of the world's problems stem from poor communication, so the best way to create a better world is to create more effective forms of relating to one another as individuals as well as groups.

People of this generation truly want to create a more harmonious world in which to live. To do so they are often quick to lessen the importance of their differences and concentrate on what is important to all humans.

More About Pisces

Famous Pisceans:
George Washington, Albert Einstein, George Frederick Handel, Elizabeth Taylor, Cindy Crawford, Kurt Cobain, David Gilmour, Gloria Vanderbilt, Gutenberg, Sibil Leek, Ralph Nader, Edgar Cayce, Sidney Poitier, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Chris Casale

Ideal Occupations:
Pisceans are well-suited to careers as veterinarians, biologists, artists, doctors, musicians, psychologists and mediums.

Lucky Numbers: 12, 21, 39, 48, 57

Pisceans Are Usually Most Compatible With: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces

Planet: Neptune

Element: Water

Star Stone: Moonstone

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New neighbours.

My new neighbours have really loud kids. They scream all day.
I can hear them screaming right now. lol
They're probably not gonna like it if I have parties.
Maybe it's time to move.
I wanna live in a house in the middle of nowhere. In the forest, by a lake.
Where I can sing as loud as I want.


I hope he still knows I love him.

Monday, January 11, 2010


As pure as the snow.
Feelings while waiting for you.
I won't let them melt.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy new 2010!

I'm hoping this will be the best year ever. <3

Let's make it awesome!

My resolutions are to stay on my diet and loose more weight, start working out, and get smarter. lol