Going to work today after having four days off kinda sucked.
Not that the actual work I did there sucked. I actually had a pretty good time and even laughed so much I got a headache. I might get sore abs tomorrow too. lol
It's just waking up in the morning and knowing I had to go to work that sucked.
I feel like I need four more days.
I wish I didn't need a job. I wish I was rich.
I should try to find some rich guy to marry. lol
I'd be a great housewife.
Yeah, I want a hot, rich, japanese (cuz japanese guys are the hottest) husband.
I'd even do naked apron for him. lol ;P
But then again, I never really wanna get married.
Well I have money in the bank. But I'm really gonna need it if I'm going to Japan in August.
Maybe I should look for a rich husband while I'm there. ;) lol
And then I wouldn't come home.
Why do I always fight going to bed after I get home from work? Sometimes I feel sorry for my brain. It probably needs rest because of all the stimulation it gets and all the knowledge a pack into it every day. Yeah, I love to learn about interesting things.
Like yesterday I watched a tv program about if birds are decendants of dinosaurs. It was very interesting. I always though the probably are and turns out they are. So that's cool.
We're still living in the age of dinosaurs. Because there are more species of birds in the world than mammals. I'm gonna start thinking "Hey, a dinosaur!" whenever I see a bird now! Ok, maybe not. ;P
Also I decided to stop believing anything the media says. It's all just lies and crap.
Tomorrow I have a facial booked so I can't sleep too long. Damn.